Saturday, September 12, 2015

One More Cord Gone

Thought I'd update quickly as I hold a comfortable, slumbering Grant. This is definitely the most relaxed he's been since we got here. 

He's obviously awfully swollen this morning, but still sweet as can be. I'm even pretty certain he was trying to muster up a smile for me earlier this morning. 

His right eye is completely swollen shut, but he can see a little bit out of his left (for now). This is the day he's expected to be at his worst and then it should start to get better tomorrow. Keep those prayers coming!

When we first saw him in recovery yesterday he had NINE cords coming out of him. 

Three to keep an eye on his heart
A blood pressure cuff
An oxygen monitor
A catheter 
And three IVs

The first IV, the one in his arterial vein for his blood transfusion, came out in OR recovery leaving one in each foot. They did that proactively while he was under sedation. This way if something goes wrong with one, they don't have to restart an IV while he's awake. They'll likely take one of them out this afternoon as the goal is to eventually start to wean him off the IV pain meds. 

The blood pressure cuff now is only kept on if they've given him morphine. Hopefully he won't need it again but we'll just have to see how he continues to do. It's nice to have that gone because aside from the catheter, it's the one that bothered him most.

But speaking of that catheter, it's gone! Yay!  Likely one of the main players in allowing him to rest better right now. 

He's eating well and outputting well, and I'm SO THANKFUL his pain hasn't been too hard to manage. Thanks to all who prayed specifically for that. Faith moves mountains. It REALLY does!

When Dr. Tomita's partner rounded this morning he said they'll take his little gauze turban off this afternoon. I'm a little apprehensive about that moment, BUT after he said it, I realized that this should be the culmination of the "unveiling of the unknowns". And THAT is a win. 

1 comment:

  1. Despite the bruises on his eyes, he really does look peaceful. No better place to be than in Mommy's arms with God holding both of you tightly.

    Thanks for taking the time to send updates throughout all of this. I'm sure finding time to type away is the last thing on your mind, but for those of us waiting and praying and thinking at home...we are so very appreciative.

